How the VIC Learners Practice Test Will Help You Get Your Own Learners Permit

If you are looking to get your learners permit, then the learners practice test is a must. This type of exam will make sure that you know what the real one will be like and prepare for it. But how exactly does this work? What do I need to do to take a VIC learners practice test? How can I use one of these tests as an opportunity to improve my knowledge about driving rules and regulations? 

Find out more by reading this blog post!

Getting to Know the Actual Exam

vic-learners-practice-testThe first and most important thing is knowing what the learners permit test will look like. What do I need to bring? How long are the questions about driving rules and regulations? Fortunately, learners practice tests are quite similar to that of an actual exam by the VIC drivers license centre. It lets you get a feel of the real exam and make sure you prepare for it the right way.

It Emulates the Real Learners Test

The best thing about this practice test is that it emulates the real learners permit exam. This means you won’t have to worry about different questions every time and focus on what’s really important. You should also know that there are 30 multiple-choice questions. You will need to get at least 25 correct answers to pass the learners practice test.

Learn at Your Own Pace 

Take as much time as you need, even if it takes up a few hours or so. It’s a practice test anyway, so don’t try to stress yourself too much. You can take breaks anytime during the assessment and resume studying in between other activities. That’s one of the best things about these tests. Although you might want to pick up the pace at some point as you will need to treat it like the actual learners permit test.

Try Out Different Learners Practice Tests

You may be wondering if there’s really any point in trying out different VIC learners practice test. We think the answer is yes, and here are a few reasons why:

  1. It will allow you to discover what type of questions suit your style better or have more appeal for you. Trying out different tests will also uncover the areas where you are weak. That way, you can fix these flaws.
  2. You can prepare yourself for at least two possible scenarios that might happen on test day (if you don’t end up liking one of these tests, then it won’t matter because the real learners permit test has only one format);
  3. By taking different exams over time, you’ll also see how well prepared you are as changes in content occur with every new release of such resources. This diversity will help motivate and spur further growth towards success.


The bottom line is that the learners practice test is crucial towards passing the actual test. So give yourself the best chance of succeeding by taking different ones over time so that you are well-prepared for what may come on test day. Good luck!