Switchboard Upgrade: Benefits of a Switchboard Panel Upgrade

Switchboards are the central hub of your home’s electrical distribution. They direct the electricity to power points and appliances throughout your house.

switchboard upgradeIf your home’s switchboard still uses ceramic fuses, it must be upgraded ASAP! Fuses that blow or melt are a residential fire hazard. An electrician can replace them with safety switches and circuit breakers. For more information about the switchboard panel upgrade, click here.


Depending on your home’s circumstances, a switchboard upgrade can cost anywhere from $1,000-4,000. Some typical costs include electrical contractor labour and the materials needed to complete the upgrade. Other potential prices include any cabling or rewiring required.

The electrical switchboard is the central hub that enables electricity to flow around your house. It redirects power from the main supply and distributes it to appliances, lights and other fixtures throughout your property.

If you have older fuses or your circuit breakers keep tripping, it’s likely that your switchboard isn’t up to scratch and needs an upgrade. A newer switchboard will not only protect your appliances and devices, but it’ll also help you save money on energy bills. It will also prevent the risk of fire hazards and reduce your chances of electrocution.


Modern switchboards incorporate safety switches that prevent electric shocks, minimise the risk of house fires, and ensure a consistent power supply. This is important as the electrical demands on homes and businesses increase, with newer appliances requiring higher levels of electricity than older ones. For more information about the switchboard panel upgrade, click here.

Outdated switchboards are not designed to meet these increasing demands. They can lead to dangerous electrical faults, resulting in power outages, equipment damage, or a potentially disastrous house fire. If you notice that your circuit breakers regularly trip, this is a sign that your switchboard is overloaded.

Other signs that your switchboard needs an upgrade include a low humming sound or a jumble of cables. Also, if your switchboard is made of wood, metal or asbestos, it must be replaced, as these materials are no longer compliant with current safety standards. Older switchboards typically have a single RCD protecting only a couple of circuits and unsafe porcelain fuses that can melt or blow.

Energy Efficiency

Modern switchboards are designed with energy-efficient components that optimise power distribution and reduce energy wastage. This can sometimes result in significant cost savings for homeowners or businesses.

In addition, modern switchboards can support more complex electricity systems, such as renewable energy technologies and smart home appliances. Considering these developments, an upgraded switchboard is well-positioned to keep pace with future electrical demands.

A new switchboard also ensures that your consumer mains meet growing energy requirements. The consumer mains link street wires and buildings and can be connected through overhead power poles or underground cables. Houses built before 2010 typically had a 6mm consumer main that could supply 40 amps of electricity.

If you think your switchboard is outdated, contact a professional electrician to assess its condition and suitability for your home or business. They will help you design a new switchboard layout, considering circuit arrangements, safety features and future scalability. Then, they will install it, ensuring the work complies with industry standards. For more information about the switchboard panel upgrade, click here.


In addition to providing a safer home environment, upgrading your switchboard can also help to reduce your energy bill. Outdated switches often lack energy-saving features that allow you to monitor and regulate your electricity usage, making them more efficient and reducing environmental impact. New switchboards also have easily identifiable circuits, making it easy for electricians and tradespeople to work on your electrical system.

If you notice your fuses blowing or melting, this is an indication that your switchboard is outdated and needs to be upgraded as soon as possible. Older fuses were not designed to handle the massive load of power points, phone chargers and smart devices that we now use in our homes.

Older switchboards may contain asbestos, a known health risk and must be removed by a licensed asbestos removal specialist before the electrician starts any work on the upgrade. It’s essential to upgrade your switchboard with a qualified electrician to ensure it is safe for your family and visitors.

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