The Star Wars Lightsaber

The lightsaber AU is an incredibly powerful weapon Force users use throughout the Star Wars universe. It combines the might of a sword with the dexterity of a blade.

lightsaber AULightsabers are made from kyber crystals tuned to the Force. While they come in various colours, green and blue, they are the most popular options.


The lightsaber AU blade is one of the most iconic weapons in Star Wars. Initially, Jedi were given blasters as their primary weapons; however, with the rise of the Galactic Empire came these blades of pure energy, which could slice through almost any material.

They are extremely powerful weapons and can even serve as hand deflectors to deflect blaster bolts; however, their beam can quickly melt through thick durasteel plating if used against thick walls. Thus, these artifacts of spacetime remain scarce throughout our galaxy.

You’ll need two essential parts to create a lightsaber: the kyber crystal and the hilt. The latter contains several vital components such as the power cell or energy core, focusing ring, blade emitter and other controls. In addition, this ring must be calibrated perfectly so that the kyber crystal can create its blade effectively.

Once a kyber crystal is created, you can craft its hilt. It includes components like a covertec wheel for clipping the sword onto your belt and an ignition or on/off switch for the blade. Where these components go will determine how effective your sword will be during combat–from drawing it quickly to guaranteeing it stays lit during fights!

The blades of a lightsaber come in an array of colours. Blue for Jedi and red for Sith are two common choices; however, canon and Legends of Star Wars also use other hues like yellow.


A lightsaber AU hilt is an integral component of its weapon, holding components such as a covertec wheel and ignition switch for combat use. Additionally, the shape of the hilt plays a significant role in choosing which saber best suits your fighting style – how you hold it, if it can spin around, and even if it stays lit during combat!

The hilt of a lightsaber is typically made from metal, although some are made from stronger materials such as strong wood. In the Star Wars franchise, droid professor Huyang educated Jedi younglings on what materials should be used for their hilts; he taught them to use metal or even Brylark trees’ wood, which is strong enough to withstand being cut with a lightsaber blade.

As with other weapons in the Star Wars universe, the shape of a lightsaber’s hilt can influence what type of fight you can engage in with it. Yoda, for instance, has a smaller hilt that matches his stature better, while Luke Skywalker opts for larger hilts to suit his heavier fighting style.


A lightsaber is an incredibly powerful weapon that can be used for various attacks. Its blade can cut through anything and is programmable, allowing users to customise the attack pattern according to their preferred fighting style.

Lightsabers are incredibly powerful but require training to use them properly. As a result, Jedi typically only use them for self-preservation; however, they can also be effective in various combat scenarios.

Traditional lightsaber hilts were meant to protect their user, but modern blades are designed with cutting capabilities in mind. Not only that, but a light saber’s hilt can also be programmed, allowing you to change its length with just the press of a button.

The energy to power a lightsaber comes from a diatium power cell, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The cell sends energy beams through the crystal energy chamber and transforms them into an arcing wave before travelling through the blade energy channel and cycling field energisers to generate the blade.

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